Saturday, March 2, 2019

Excuse me God, I lost my Stylus

As I was walking out of my facility the other day, my new phone chimed and suggested that I not forget to return my stylus. I turned it over to discover that it, INDEED, had a stylus slot, and, too, it was empty. I instantly started to look on the ground around me thinking it must have dropped out. After a few minutes of searching--I accepted the futility of my actions. As a student of all things spiritual, I did what any red blooded philosopher would do and summoned God for assistance. "You know I don't have time to crawl on the ground looking through all these weeds for a stylus ...please find my stylus!"

As I was getting in my car that "Still Small Voice", which, by the way, is NOT so still or so small, began badgering me about my audacity in summoning the Creator of the Universe for such a ridiculous matter. The image of God in the "Situation Room" in Heaven as Archangel Micheal bursts through the door began to play. Micheal's wings flaring in majesty of his position in the room and then folding inward on him in reverence as he kneels before the throne. "Excuse me, GOD, it's her again," Micheal respectfully interrupts and the room goes completely silent. God turns his head away from the zillion screens playing on the wall depicting famine, plagues and pestilence; his brows furrowed says, "Jesus!" (Although, I suspect he's probably the only one among us that wouldn't use that name as the ultimate for feelings of frustration). "Michael, why does this woman continue to interrupt me in the midst of all this CHAOS for these trivial matters???!!!" "Sir, if I may speak honestly; it's that, *ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE,* clause; remember me begging you to omit it." "Oh yeah, you did remind me that I was bringing a Mona into the world and she would have that -- The World Revolves Around Me -- complex." Micheal gives a heavy sigh, nods and shrugs his shoulders. 

When I got back to the facility, I went into the office to update things on the computer. One of our residents came into the office and sat down in a chair behind me. I looked puzzled at the administrative assistant who typically doesn't allow residents in the office. She quickly assured me that it was okay because he had been having a very bad day. I turned to the resident and I smiled saying that it was good to see him. He stood up, moved a box that was between us and picked up my lost stylus. instantly, I pictured the Creator of the Universe leaving heaven and all the world's issues to come to the back patio of Sarah House 4 to back track my steps.

My apologies if anyone lost a loved one that day, or, if humanity lost some great leap of consciousness. It's not my fault --  Micheal warned him.

Mona McPherson



  1. LOL...very funny, sounds like me at times. BTW, I think you meant stylis but autocorrect probably thought you meant your hair dresser! LOL

    1. Well, now who is being silly...I, of course, meant stylUS, not stylis.
