Thursday, February 2, 2017


Do you remember, that night? I’ve thought of it often since learning of your pregnancy with Zeke. I sat across from you, the silence crawling into each empty space as the conversation began. Daddy was gone on one of his long excursions into whatever new thing needed to be learned with his job, yet, there we were. That small bedroom in that small town with you holding more information than a 15 year old should ever need to. You were crying in a way I’ve never been able to eras...e from my mind—it was as if you doubted our love for you could be unconditional. That Decmeber night was cold, yet, warmed by my need to comfort whatever you had to say. Of course, I was thinking it was one of those overrated teenager moments that get tossed in the closet under dirty clothes and forgotten homework. It wasn’t’! It was a life changing moment! I learned that night that you were pregnant.

Do you remember? All I saw was this giant empty place of not knowing what your news would mean for you. That being said, I KNEW YOU! I KNEW you would have all the people in place to support you no matter what, or, they would be removed from our lives. I actually had those conversations.

Can you imagine me now?! Looking back on your life and this place you have created with a man that we truly adore and raising a granddaughter that has, possibly, more spunk and determination than you and me combined?! LOL... The day you came home from the hospital with Layla, I took her outside on the back porch, she was crying and you needed to rest. I paced with her in my arms promising her that she would have a fortress of love and support her whole life from me and Poppy. I CANNOT wait to have the same conversation with my little Zeke.

I LOVE YOU Mikka-Mine. I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge that I’m a little afraid for all of the unkown things we face, but, as always: you will never walk through any door of your life alone. We will face it together as the family we’ve always been.

Mona McPherson

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